element static_modifications
diagram proxl-xml-v1.4_diagrams/proxl-xml-v1.4_p58.png
content complex
children static_modification
used by
element proxl_input
identity constraints
  Name  Refer  Selector  Field(s)  Annotation
unique  static_mod_residue_unique    static_modification  @amino_acid  
Ensure only one static mod is present for any amino acid residue.
A collection of mass shifts that are always applied to the respective amino acids when calculating theoretical peptide or ion masses
source <xs:element name="static_modifications">
<xs:documentation>A collection of mass shifts that are always applied to the respective amino acids when calculating theoretical peptide or ion masses</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="static_modification" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:unique name="static_mod_residue_unique">
<xs:documentation>Ensure only one static mod is present for any amino acid residue.</xs:documentation>
<xs:selector xpath="static_modification"/>
<xs:field xpath="@amino_acid"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy