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A layer of peptidoglycan found outside of the cytoplasmic membrane. The peptidoglycan is relatively thick (20-80nm) and retains the primary stain of the Gram procedure, thus cells appear blue after Gram stain. The cell walls often contain teichoic acids (acidic anionic polysaccharides) bound to the peptidoglycan. Examples of this component are found in Gram-positive bacteria. A structure that lies outside the plasma membrane and surrounds the entire cell. A protective structure outside the cytoplasmic membrane composed of peptidoglycan (also known as murein), a molecule made up of a glycan (sugar) backbone of repetitively alternating N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid with short, attached, cross-linked peptide chains containing unusual amino acids. An example of this component is found in Escherichia coli. The peptidoglycan layer of the Gram-negative cell envelope. In Gram-negative cells the peptidoglycan is relatively thin (1-2nm) and is linked to the outer membrane by lipoproteins. In Gram-negative cells the peptidoglycan is too thin to retain the primary stain in the Gram staining procedure and therefore cells appear red after Gram stain. The rigid or semi-rigid envelope lying outside the cell membrane of plant, fungal, and most prokaryotic cells, maintaining their shape and protecting them from osmotic lysis. In plants it is made of cellulose and, often, lignin; in fungi it is composed largely of polysaccharides; in bacteria it is composed of peptidoglycan.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: peptidoglycan-based cell wall
Acc: GO:0009274
Aspect: Cellular Component
Desc: A protective structure outside the cytoplasmic membrane composed of peptidoglycan (also known as murein), a molecule made up of a glycan (sugar) backbone of repetitively alternating N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid with short, attached, cross-linked peptide chains containing unusual amino acids. An example of this component is found in Escherichia coli.
  • peptidoglycan
  • envelope
  • murein sacculus
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GO:0009274 - peptidoglycan-based cell wall (interactive image map)

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle