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Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, not bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane and occurring within the cell. Includes ribosomes, the cytoskeleton and chromosomes. An organelle found in bacteria consisting of a proteinaceous coat containing enzymes for the degradation of ethanolamine whose purpose is the protection of the rest of the cell from the toxic acetaldehyde product of the enzyme ethanolamine ammonia lyase. An organelle found in bacteria consisting of a proteinaceous coat containing metabolic enzymes whose purpose is the sequestration or concentration of metabolites and which has the appearance of a polygonal granule by electron microscopy.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: ethanolamine degradation polyhedral organelle
Acc: GO:0031471
Aspect: Cellular Component
Desc: An organelle found in bacteria consisting of a proteinaceous coat containing enzymes for the degradation of ethanolamine whose purpose is the protection of the rest of the cell from the toxic acetaldehyde product of the enzyme ethanolamine ammonia lyase.
  • ethanolamine metabolosome
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GO:0031471 - ethanolamine degradation polyhedral organelle (interactive image map)

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle