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The reflex process by which a mechanical stimulus applied to the eye elicits a response of the eyelid closing. A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an external stimulus. Involuntary movement caused by the application of a stimulus to an organism and a subsequent movement. The signal processing of this movement takes place in the spinal cord. An automatic response to a stimulus beginning with a nerve impulse from a receptor and ending with the action of an effector such as a gland or a muscle. Signaling never reaches a level of consciousness. A reflex process by which a response to an angular or linear acceleration stimulus begins with an afferent nerve impulse from a receptor in the inner ear and ends with the compensatory action of eye muscles. Signaling never reaches a level of consciousness. The extension, through direct muscle actions, of the proboscis (the trunk-like extension of the mouthparts on the adult external head) in response to a sugar stimulus. An automatic response to suckling, beginning with a nerve impulse from a receptor in the mammary gland and ending with the ejection of milk from the gland. Signaling never reaches a level of consciousness. A reflex process in which an animal immediately tries to turn over after being placed in a supine position. A change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: reflex
Acc: GO:0060004
Aspect: Biological Process
Desc: An automatic response to a stimulus beginning with a nerve impulse from a receptor and ending with the action of an effector such as a gland or a muscle. Signaling never reaches a level of consciousness.
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GO:0060004 - reflex (interactive image map)

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle