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Protein: ATP6_ECOLC
Organism: Escherichia coli ATCC 8739
Length: 271 amino acids
Reference: Drew K, et al. (2011) The proteome folding project: Proteome-scale prediction of structure and function. Genome Res. 2011 Sep 16

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Top Sequence Alignment Hits

Listed below are up to the top 10 sequence alignment matches, by species, for the PSI-BLAST search against the protein sequence for ATP6_ECOLC.

Description E-value Query
ATP6_SALCH - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella choleraesuis (strain SC-B67) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|238913124 - gi|238913124|ref|ZP_04656961.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica ser...
ATP6_SALPA - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella paratyphi A (strain ATCC 9150 / SARB42) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_SALCH - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella choleraesuis GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_SALTY - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella typhimurium GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_SALA4 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella agona (strain SL483) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_SALSV - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella schwarzengrund (strain CVM19633) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|194458415, gi... - gi|194472051|ref|ZP_03078035.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sero...
ATP6_SALHS - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella heidelberg (strain SL476) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|29143943, gi|... - gi|29143943|ref|NP_807285.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serova...
gi|200388972, gi... - gi|200388972|ref|ZP_03215584.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sero...
gi|16762455 - gi|16762455|ref|NP_458072.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serova...
ATP6_SALDC - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella dublin (strain CT_02021853) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_SALTI - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella typhi GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_SALPK - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella paratyphi A (strain AKU_12601) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_SALTY - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella typhimurium (strain LT2 / SGSC1412 / ATCC 700720) GN=atpB PE=3 ...
gi|197265871, gi... - gi|197265871|ref|ZP_03165945.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sero...
gi|197287676, gi... - gi|197287676|gb|EDY27067.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar ...
gi|205331669, gi... - gi|205331669|gb|EDZ18433.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar ...
gi|205327323, gi... - gi|205327323|gb|EDZ14087.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar ...
ATP6_SALPB - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella paratyphi B (strain ATCC BAA-1250 / SPB7) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_SALNS - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella newport (strain SL254) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|168823136, gi... - gi|205340561|gb|EDZ27325.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar ...
gi|168464794, gi... - gi|195632259|gb|EDX50743.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar ...
ATP6_SALPB - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella paratyphi B (strain ATCC BAA-1250 / SPB7) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|205348284, gi... - gi|205348284|gb|EDZ34915.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar ...
gi|81416159 - gi|81416159|sp|Q7CPE3.1|ATP6_SALTY RecName: Full=ATP synthase subunit a; AltName: Full=F-ATPase subu...
ATP6_SALPA - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella paratyphi A GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|75479642 - gi|75479642|sp|Q57HX3.1|ATP6_SALCH RecName: Full=ATP synthase subunit a; AltName: Full=F-ATPase subu...
ATP6_SALPC - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella paratyphi C (strain RKS4594) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|81628043 - gi|81628043|sp|Q8XGC2.1|ATP6_SALTI RecName: Full=ATP synthase subunit a; AltName: Full=F-ATPase subu...
gi|213052664 - gi|213052664|ref|ZP_03345542.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica ser...
ATP6_SALEP - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella enteritidis PT4 (strain P125109) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
lcl|NC_016856.1_... - [gene=atpB] [protein=F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A] [protein_id=YP_005240139.1] [location=complement(4...
ATP6_SALG2 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Salmonella gallinarum (strain 287/91 / NCTC 13346) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|204928835, gi... - gi|204928835|ref|ZP_03220034.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sero...
gi|214001330 - gi|214001330|ref|ZP_03412065.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica ser...
gi|213649864 - gi|213649864|ref|ZP_03379917.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica ser...
gi|213427464 - gi|213427464|ref|ZP_03360214.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica ser...
gi|213418552 - gi|213418552|ref|ZP_03351618.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica ser...
208.0 [0..1] [271..1]
gi|254847266, gi... - gi|75829191|ref|ZP_00758503.1| COG0356: F0F1-type ATP synthase, subunit a [Vibrio cholerae MO10], gi...
ATP6_VIBC3 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 (strain ATCC 39541 / Classical Ogawa 395 / O39...
gi|116219392, gi... - gi|75818738|ref|ZP_00748866.1| COG0356: F0F1-type ATP synthase, subunit a [Vibrio cholerae V51], gi|...
gi|121729381, gi... - gi|75814914|ref|ZP_00745454.1| COG0356: F0F1-type ATP synthase, subunit a [Vibrio cholerae V52], gi|...
gi|121591533, gi... - gi|121591533|ref|ZP_01678796.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Vibrio cholerae 2740-80], gi|121546618|g...
gi|124116207, gi... - gi|153212981|ref|ZP_01948575.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Vibrio cholerae 1587], gi|124116207|gb|E...
gi|153820049, gi... - gi|153820049|ref|ZP_01972716.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Vibrio cholerae NCTC 8457], gi|126509406...
gi|153821977, gi... - gi|229508635|ref|ZP_04398130.1| ATP synthase A chain [Vibrio cholerae B33], gi|229354349|gb|EEO19277...
ATP6_VIBCM - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 (strain M66-2) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|229508283, gi... - gi|229508283|ref|ZP_04397787.1| ATP synthase A chain [Vibrio cholerae BX 330286], gi|229354556|gb|EE...
gi|229347063, gi... - gi|229515963|ref|ZP_04405420.1| ATP synthase A chain [Vibrio cholerae TMA 21], gi|229347063|gb|EEO12...
gi|229517149, gi... - gi|229517149|ref|ZP_04406595.1| ATP synthase A chain [Vibrio cholerae RC9], gi|229346212|gb|EEO11184...
gi|229342753, gi... - gi|229520159|ref|ZP_04409586.1| ATP synthase A chain [Vibrio cholerae TM 11079-80], gi|229342753|gb|...
gi|229606557, gi... - gi|229606557|ref|YP_002877205.1| ATP synthase A chain [Vibrio cholerae MJ-1236], gi|229369212|gb|ACQ...
gi|150422987, gi... - gi|254291142|ref|ZP_04961939.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Vibrio cholerae AM-19226], gi|197751562|...
ATP6_VIBCH - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 (strain ATCC 39315 / El Tor Inaba N16961) GN=a...
gi|153827198, gi... - gi|153827198|ref|ZP_01979865.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Vibrio cholerae MZO-2], gi|149738921|gb|...
ATP6_VIBCH - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Vibrio cholerae GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
206.0 [0..3] [271..5]
gi|148143 - gi|148143|gb|AAA24740.1| ATPase, a subunit (EC
204.0 [0..1] [271..1]
ATP6_SHIDS - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 (strain Sd197) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
204.0 [0..1] [271..1]
gi|24054300, gi|... - gi|24115041|ref|NP_709551.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301], gi|2405430...
gi|30043218, gi|... - gi|30064957|ref|NP_839128.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Shigella flexneri 2a str. 2457T], gi|30043...
ATP6_SHIFL - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Shigella flexneri GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_SHIF8 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Shigella flexneri serotype 5b (strain 8401) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
204.0 [0..1] [271..1]
gi|6625697|gb|AA... - ATP synthase subunit a [Salmonella typhimurium]
gi|6625697 - gi|6625697|gb|AAF19356.1|AF188265_2 ATP synthase subunit a [Salmonella typhimurium]
204.0 [0..1] [271..1]
ATP6_ECOUT - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli (strain UTI89 / UPEC) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|191170564, gi... - gi|191170564|ref|ZP_03032117.1| ATP synthase F0, A subunit [Escherichia coli F11], gi|190909372|gb|E...
ATP6_ECO27 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli O127:H6 (strain E2348/69 / EPEC) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_ECOSM - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli (strain SMS-3-5 / SECEC) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_ECOL6 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli O6:H1 (strain CFT073 / ATCC 700928 / UPEC) GN=atpB PE=3 S...
ATP6_ECOK1 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli O1:K1 / APEC GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_ECOL5 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli O6:K15:H31 (strain 536 / UPEC) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|227839238, gi... - gi|227883960|ref|ZP_04001765.1| H(+)-transporting two-sector ATPase [Escherichia coli 83972], gi|227...
sp|B7UMK3|ATP6_ECO27 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli O127:H6 (strain E2348/69 / EPEC) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|237703539, gi... - gi|237703539|ref|ZP_04534020.1| ATP synthase subunit A [Escherichia sp. 3_2_53FAA], gi|226902803|gb|...
ATP6_ECOLU - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli O17:K52:H18 (strain UMN026 / ExPEC) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_ECOL6 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli O6 GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_ECO81 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli O81 (strain ED1a) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_ECO7I - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli O7:K1 (strain IAI39 / ExPEC) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_ESCF3 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia fergusonii (strain ATCC 35469 / DSM 13698 / CDC 0568-73) GN=at...
ATP6_ECO45 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Escherichia coli O45:K1 (strain S88 / ExPEC) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
204.0 [0..1] [271..1]
ATP6_VIBAL - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Vibrio alginolyticus GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|91226232, gi|... - gi|91226232|ref|ZP_01261072.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Vibrio alginolyticus 12G01], gi|91189243...
gi|254229971, gi... - gi|75855550|ref|ZP_00763198.1| COG0356: F0F1-type ATP synthase, subunit a [Vibrio sp. Ex25], gi|2542...
202.0 [0..3] [270..5]
gi|149748126, gi... - gi|153838503|ref|ZP_01991170.1| ATP synthase a chain [Vibrio parahaemolyticus AQ3810], gi|149748126|...
ATP6_VIBPA - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Vibrio parahaemolyticus serotype O3:K6 (strain RIMD 2210633) GN=atpB PE=3 ...
ATP6_VIBPA - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Vibrio parahaemolyticus GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
202.0 [0..3] [270..5]
ATP6_YERPB - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype IB (strain PB1/+) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_YERPY - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype O:3 (strain YPIII) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|229839837, gi... - gi|229839837|ref|ZP_04459996.1| F0 sector of membrane-bound ATP synthase, subunit a [Yersinia pestis...
gi|229896798, gi... - gi|229896798|ref|ZP_04511961.1| F0 sector of membrane-bound ATP synthase, subunit a [Yersinia pestis...
gi|229691260, gi... - gi|229841921|ref|ZP_04462077.1| F0 sector of membrane-bound ATP synthase, subunit a [Yersinia pestis...
ATP6_YERP3 - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype O:1b (strain IP 31758) GN=atpB PE=3 S...
gi|149290347, gi... - gi|150260939|ref|ZP_01917667.1| ATP synthase subunit B protein [Yersinia pestis CA88-4125], gi|14929...
ATP6_YERPP - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Yersinia pestis (strain Pestoides F) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_YERPS - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Yersinia pseudotuberculosis GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_YERPN - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Yersinia pestis bv. Antiqua (strain Nepal516) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_YERPA - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Yersinia pestis bv. Antiqua (strain Antiqua) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|21961157, gi|... - gi|22128009|ref|NP_671432.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Yersinia pestis KIM], gi|21961157|gb|AAM87...
ATP6_YERPE - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Yersinia pestis GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
ATP6_YERPS - ATP synthase subunit a OS=Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype I (strain IP32953) GN=atpB PE=3 SV=1
gi|45443757, gi|... - gi|45443757|ref|NP_995296.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Yersinia pestis biovar Microtus str. 91001...
gi|115349714, gi... - gi|218931103|ref|YP_002348978.1| F0F1 ATP synthase subunit A [Yersinia pestis CO92], gi|16124235|ref...
201.0 [0..2] [271..4]


Predicted Domain #1
Region A:
Residues: [1-66]
      1          11         21         31         41         51         
      |          |          |          |          |          |          
   61 RSVAKK

[Run NCBI BLAST on this sequence.]

Detection Method: deduced

Shown below are all of our de novo (Rosetta) predictions for this domain.
Click here to view only most confident match.

Found no structure predictions for this domain.

Predicted Domain #2
Region A:
Residues: [67-271]
      1          11         21         31         41         51         
      |          |          |          |          |          |          

[Run NCBI BLAST on this sequence.]

Detection Method: PSI-BLAST
Confidence: 32.154902
Match: 1c17M
Description: F1F0 ATP synthase subunit A
Matching Structure (courtesy of the PDB):

Predicted functions:

Term Confidence Notes
hydrogen ion transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism 14.916062574431 bayes_pls_golite062009
hydrogen ion transmembrane transporter activity 13.3765277511271 bayes_pls_golite062009
monovalent inorganic cation transmembrane transporter activity 11.6266555949852 bayes_pls_golite062009
inorganic cation transmembrane transporter activity 10.5141571800158 bayes_pls_golite062009
cation transmembrane transporter activity 6.7755175807552 bayes_pls_golite062009
ion transmembrane transporter activity 6.66886754588748 bayes_pls_golite062009
substrate-specific transmembrane transporter activity 6.24164033661356 bayes_pls_golite062009
proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism 5.34968915140418 bayes_pls_golite062009
transporter activity 4.44683838532142 bayes_pls_golite062009
substrate-specific transporter activity 4.37473908570954 bayes_pls_golite062009
transmembrane transporter activity 4.36056336888635 bayes_pls_golite062009
cation-transporting ATPase activity 3.33662712450334 bayes_pls_golite062009
ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of ions 1.11865103919948 bayes_pls_golite062009
primary active transmembrane transporter activity 0.517601509369888 bayes_pls_golite062009
active transmembrane transporter activity 0.511311810386796 bayes_pls_golite062009
P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity 0.510137962484563 bayes_pls_golite062009
hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances 0.476924701765357 bayes_pls_golite062009
ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances 0.473395661531507 bayes_pls_golite062009
ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances 0.473285892250811 bayes_pls_golite062009
catalytic activity 0.276917867171685 bayes_pls_golite062009
nucleoside-triphosphatase activity 0.242742762516199 bayes_pls_golite062009
pyrophosphatase activity 0.201337507209354 bayes_pls_golite062009
hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides 0.191294406773539 bayes_pls_golite062009
hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, in phosphorus-containing anhydrides 0.188721983770471 bayes_pls_golite062009
ATPase activity, coupled 0.110491424400621 bayes_pls_golite062009

YRC Informatics Platform - Version 3.0
Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle