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Protein: gi|29138552, gi|...
Organism: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. Ty2
Length: 246 amino acids
Reference: Drew K, et al. (2011) The proteome folding project: Proteome-scale prediction of structure and function. Genome Res. 2011 Sep 16

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Top Sequence Alignment Hits

Listed below are up to the top 10 sequence alignment matches, by species, for the PSI-BLAST search against the protein sequence for gi|29138552, gi|....

Description E-value Query
gi|194432691, gi... - gi|83570261|ref|ZP_00921707.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Shigella dyse...
4.0E-76 [1..246] [1..246]
gi|13359708, gi|... - gi|15829505|ref|NP_308278.1| hypothetical protein ECs0251 [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai], gi|...
gi|110342053, gi... - gi|110640461|ref|YP_668189.1| hypothetical protein ECP_0254 [Escherichia coli 536], gi|110342053|gb|...
gi|4902960, gi|9... - gi|984580|dbj|BAA07586.1| YafK [Escherichia coli W3110], gi|89107099|ref|AP_000879.1| hypothetical p...
gi|91209312, gi|... - gi|91209312|ref|YP_539298.1| hypothetical protein UTI89_C0264 [Escherichia coli UTI89], gi|91070886|...
YAFK_ECO57 - Putative L,D-transpeptidase YafK OS=Escherichia coli O157:H7 GN=yafK PE=3 SV=1
gi|15799929, gi|... - gi|15799929|ref|NP_285941.1| hypothetical protein Z0282 [Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933], gi|125129...
EG13148 - L,D-transpeptidase-related protein / L,D-transpeptidase-related protein, function unknown
gi|226898967, gi... - gi|237707757|ref|ZP_04538238.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia sp. 3_2_53FAA], gi|22689...
gi|238860270, gi... - gi|238899616|ref|YP_002925412.1| hypothetical protein BWG_0210 [Escherichia coli BW2952], gi|2388602...
gi|242376055, gi... - gi|251783782|ref|YP_002998086.1| hypothetical protein B21_00223 [Escherichia coli BL21], gi|24237605...
gi|253325796, gi... - gi|254287143|ref|YP_003052891.1| hypothetical protein ECD_00219 [Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)], gi|253...
gi|253972241, gi... - gi|254160340|ref|YP_003043448.1| hypothetical protein ECB_00219 [Escherichia coli B str. REL606], gi...
gi|254791383, gi... - gi|254791383|ref|YP_003076220.1| secreted protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. TW14359], gi|254590...
gi|168800338, gi... - gi|189377308|gb|EDU95724.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC508], gi...
gi|189370756, gi... - gi|189370756|gb|EDU89172.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC869], gi...
gi|169887688, gi... - gi|170079853|ref|YP_001729173.1| hypothetical protein ECDH10B_0206 [Escherichia coli str. K-12 subst...
gi|170021388, gi... - gi|170021388|ref|YP_001726342.1| hypothetical protein EcolC_3396 [Escherichia coli ATCC 8739], gi|16...
gi|195938627 - gi|195938627|ref|ZP_03084009.1| hypothetical protein EscherichcoliO157_19732 [Escherichia coli O157:...
EG13148 - L,D-transpeptidase-related protein / L,D-transpeptidase-related protein, function unknown
gi|170680694, gi... - gi|170680694|ref|YP_001742344.1| hypothetical protein EcSMS35_0235 [Escherichia coli SMS-3-5], gi|17...
gi|208813045, gi... - gi|208813045|ref|ZP_03254374.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4045...
gi|208808317, gi... - gi|208808317|ref|ZP_03250654.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4206...
gi|168757252, gi... - gi|189355746|gb|EDU74165.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4401], g...
gi|188015594, gi... - gi|188015594|gb|EDU53716.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4113], g...
gi|189361102, gi... - gi|189361102|gb|EDU79521.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4486], g...
gi|168763465, gi... - gi|189366356|gb|EDU84772.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4501], g...
gi|188999628, gi... - gi|188999628|gb|EDU68614.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4076], g...
gi|187768412, gi... - gi|187768412|gb|EDU32256.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4196], g...
YAFK_ECOLI - Hypothetical protein yafK precursor - Escherichia coli
gi|75513627, gi|... - gi|75513627|ref|ZP_00736018.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Escherichia c...
gi|218698832, gi... - gi|218698832|ref|YP_002406461.1| hypothetical protein ECIAI39_0428 [Escherichia coli IAI39], gi|2183...
gi|74310866, gi|... - gi|74310866|ref|YP_309285.1| hypothetical protein SSON_0266 [Shigella sonnei Ss046], gi|73854343|gb|...
gi|218693708, gi... - gi|218693708|ref|YP_002401375.1| hypothetical protein EC55989_0248 [Escherichia coli 55989], gi|2183...
gi|190908289, gi... - gi|75241701|ref|ZP_00725538.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Escherichia c...
gi|192931151, gi... - gi|75258771|ref|ZP_00730161.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Escherichia c...
gi|218430594, gi... - gi|218703497|ref|YP_002411016.1| hypothetical protein ECUMN_0245 [Escherichia coli UMN026], gi|21843...
gi|82775615, gi|... - gi|82775615|ref|YP_401962.1| hypothetical protein SDY_0250 [Shigella dysenteriae Sd197], gi|81239763...
gi|82542817, gi|... - gi|82542817|ref|YP_406764.1| hypothetical protein SBO_0215 [Shigella boydii Sb227], gi|81244228|gb|A...
gi|187428018, gi... - gi|75176785|ref|ZP_00696901.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Shigella boyd...
gi|209400375, gi... - gi|209400375|ref|YP_002268852.1| hypothetical protein ECH74115_0267 [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. E...
gi|157156909, gi... - gi|75189331|ref|ZP_00702598.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Escherichia c...
gi|208818968, gi... - gi|208818968|ref|ZP_03259288.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4042...
gi|215263449, gi... - gi|215485377|ref|YP_002327808.1| hypothetical protein E2348C_0221 [Escherichia coli O127:H6 str. E23...
gi|83586305, gi|... - gi|83586305|ref|ZP_00924940.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Escherichia c...
gi|209917436, gi... - gi|209917436|ref|YP_002291520.1| hypothetical protein ECSE_0245 [Escherichia coli SE11], gi|20991069...
gi|191165732, gi... - gi|75231174|ref|ZP_00717596.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Escherichia c...
gi|218359597, gi... - gi|218552829|ref|YP_002385742.1| hypothetical protein ECIAI1_0264 [Escherichia coli IAI1], gi|218359...
gi|75237315, gi|... - gi|75237315|ref|ZP_00721362.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Escherichia c...
gi|217324922, gi... - gi|217324922|ref|ZP_03441006.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. TW1458...
gi|157159707, gi... - gi|75194445|ref|ZP_00704515.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Escherichia c...
gi|218688119, gi... - gi|218688119|ref|YP_002396331.1| hypothetical protein ECED1_0258 [Escherichia coli ED1a], gi|2184256...
gi|75211206, gi|... - gi|75211206|ref|ZP_00711313.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Escherichia c...
gi|218557182, gi... - gi|218557182|ref|YP_002390095.1| hypothetical protein ECS88_0261 [Escherichia coli S88], gi|21836395...
gi|117622528, gi... - gi|117622528|ref|YP_851441.1| hypothetical protein APECO1_1743 [Escherichia coli APEC O1], gi|115511...
gi|124526886, gi... - gi|124526886|ref|ZP_01698768.1| protein of unknown function DUF949 [Escherichia coli B], gi|12450158...
7.0E-76 [1..246] [1..246]
gi|24050497, gi|... - gi|24111717|ref|NP_706227.1| hypothetical protein SF0274 [Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301], gi|2405049...
gi|30040087, gi|... - gi|30061843|ref|NP_836014.1| hypothetical protein S0295 [Shigella flexneri 2a str. 2457T], gi|300400...
1.0E-75 [1..246] [1..246]
gi|227884755, gi... - gi|227884755|ref|ZP_04002560.1| 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase [Escherichia coli 83972], ...
gi|26106670, gi|... - gi|26246272|ref|NP_752311.1| hypothetical protein c0374 [Escherichia coli CFT073], gi|26106670|gb|AA...
2.0E-75 [1..246] [1..246]
gi|110613911, gi... - gi|110804363|ref|YP_687883.1| hypothetical protein SFV_0304 [Shigella flexneri 5 str. 8401], gi|1106...
2.0E-75 [1..246] [1..246]
gi|153950202, gi... - gi|77631859|ref|ZP_00794445.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Yersinia pseu...
gi|186894254, gi... - gi|186894254|ref|YP_001871366.1| hypothetical protein YPTS_0928 [Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PB1/+],...
Q66E07|Q66E07_YERPS - Putative exported protein precursor - Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
gi|51588518, gi|... - gi|51595236|ref|YP_069427.1| hypothetical protein YPTB0886 [Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IP 32953], g...
5.0E-68 [1..237] [1..235]
gi|45440541, gi|... - gi|45440541|ref|NP_992080.1| hypothetical protein YP_0691 [Yersinia pestis biovar Microtus str. 9100...
2.0E-67 [1..237] [5..239]
gi|167421605, gi... - gi|167421605|ref|ZP_02313358.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Yersinia pestis biovar Orientalis st...
gi|167467189 - gi|167467189|ref|ZP_02331893.1| hypothetical protein YpesF_04645 [Yersinia pestis FV-1]
gi|149364916, gi... - gi|149364916|ref|ZP_01886951.1| putative exported protein [Yersinia pestis CA88-4125], gi|149291329|...
gi|89105996, gi|... - gi|89105996|ref|ZP_01178507.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Yersinia pest...
gi|108808723, gi... - gi|108808723|ref|YP_652639.1| hypothetical protein YPA_2732 [Yersinia pestis Antiqua], gi|108780636|...
gi|165926620, gi... - gi|165926620|ref|ZP_02222452.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Yersinia pestis biovar Orientalis st...
gi|165989974, gi... - gi|166010974|ref|ZP_02231872.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Yersinia pestis biovar Antiqua str. ...
gi|166205677, gi... - gi|166212890|ref|ZP_02238925.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Yersinia pestis biovar Antiqua str. ...
gi|167398650, gi... - gi|167398650|ref|ZP_02304174.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Yersinia pestis biovar Antiqua str. ...
gi|162353027, gi... - gi|77634928|ref|ZP_00797019.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Yersinia pest...
gi|25359103 - pir||AH0393 probable exported protein YPO3241 [imported] - Yersinia pestis (strain CO92)
gi|15981177, gi|... - gi|218930268|ref|YP_002348143.1| hypothetical protein YPO3241 [Yersinia pestis CO92], gi|16123400|re...
gi|229838849, gi... - gi|229838849|ref|ZP_04459008.1| secreted protein [Yersinia pestis biovar Orientalis str. PEXU2], gi|...
gi|229895999, gi... - gi|229895999|ref|ZP_04511169.1| secreted protein [Yersinia pestis Pestoides A], gi|229700922|gb|EEO8...
gi|229899418, gi... - gi|229899418|ref|ZP_04514561.1| secreted protein [Yersinia pestis biovar Orientalis str. India 195],...
2.0E-67 [1..237] [1..235]
gi|77974387 - gi|77974387|ref|ZP_00829928.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Yersinia fred...
3.0E-66 [1..238] [1..241]
gi|77957148 - gi|77957148|ref|ZP_00821212.1| COG3034: Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria [Yersinia berc...
1.0E-65 [1..245] [1..244]


Predicted Domain #1
Region A:
Residues: [1-246]
      1          11         21         31         41         51         
      |          |          |          |          |          |          
  241 TLSEAK

[Run NCBI BLAST on this sequence.]

Detection Method: PSI-BLAST
Confidence: 24.69897
Match: 1y7mA
Description: Crystal Structure of the B. subtilis YkuD protein at 2 A resolution
Matching Structure (courtesy of the PDB):

YRC Informatics Platform - Version 3.0
Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle