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Protein: gi|16502410, gi|...
Organism: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi
Length: 76 amino acids
Reference: Drew K, et al. (2011) The proteome folding project: Proteome-scale prediction of structure and function. Genome Res. 2011 Sep 16

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Top Sequence Alignment Hits

Listed below are up to the top 10 sequence alignment matches, by species, for the PSI-BLAST search against the protein sequence for gi|16502410, gi|....

Description E-value Query
gi|91069474, gi|... - gi|91205930|ref|YP_538285.1| cation transport regulator ChaB [Rickettsia bellii RML369-C], gi|910694...
102.0 [0..1] [73..13]
gi|62737946 - gi|62737946|pdb|1SG7|A Chain A, Nmr Solution Structure Of The Putative Cation Transport Regulator Ch...
101.0 [0..2] [75..22]
gi|20905180, gi|... - gi|21226875|ref|NP_632797.1| putative cation transport regulator [Methanosarcina mazei Go1], gi|2090...
101.0 [0..1] [75..6]
gi|189376334, gi... - gi|189376334|gb|EDU94750.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC508], gi|168801532|ref|ZP_...
gi|169755341, gi... - gi|170020413|ref|YP_001725367.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli ATCC 8739], gi|1697553...
gi|170080848, gi... - gi|170080848|ref|YP_001730168.1| cation regulator [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. DH10B], gi|169...
gi|170520487, gi... - gi|170682769|ref|YP_001743975.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli SMS-3-5], gi|170520487|gb|ACB18665.1...
gi|195939107 - gi|195939107|ref|ZP_03084489.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4024]
gi|208808837, gi... - gi|208808837|ref|ZP_03251174.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4206], gi|208728638|gb...
gi|208814880, gi... - gi|208814880|ref|ZP_03256059.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4045], gi|208731528|gb...
gi|208738163, gi... - gi|208822678|ref|ZP_03262997.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4042], gi|208738163|gb...
gi|188015081, gi... - gi|188015081|gb|EDU53203.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4113], gi|168750779|ref|ZP...
gi|189354980, gi... - gi|189354980|gb|EDU73399.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4401], gi|168758144|ref|ZP...
gi|189365625, gi... - gi|189365625|gb|EDU84041.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4501], gi|168764374|ref|ZP...
gi|189360045, gi... - gi|189360045|gb|EDU78464.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4486], gi|168771108|ref|ZP...
gi|187767808, gi... - gi|187767808|gb|EDU31652.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4196], gi|168776889|ref|ZP...
gi|188999968, gi... - gi|188999968|gb|EDU68954.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4076], gi|168782575|ref|ZP...
gi|189372576, gi... - gi|189372576|gb|EDU90992.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC869], gi|168787723|ref|ZP_...
gi|82544328, gi|... - gi|82544328|ref|YP_408275.1| cation transport regulator [Shigella boydii Sb227], gi|81245739|gb|ABB6...
gi|74312443, gi|... - gi|74312443|ref|YP_310862.1| cation transport regulator [Shigella sonnei Ss046], gi|73855920|gb|AAZ8...
gi|82776560, gi|... - gi|82776560|ref|YP_402909.1| cation transport regulator [Shigella dysenteriae Sd197], gi|81240708|gb...
gi|209399522, gi... - gi|209399522|ref|YP_002270151.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4115], gi|209160922|g...
gi|217328401, gi... - gi|217328401|ref|ZP_03444483.1| chaB protein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. TW14588], gi|217318828|g...
gi|218558147, gi... - gi|218558147|ref|YP_002391060.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli S88], gi|218364916|emb...
gi|218699926, gi... - gi|218699926|ref|YP_002407555.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli IAI39], gi|218369912|e...
gi|157066405, gi... - gi|75195370|ref|ZP_00705440.1| COG4572: Putative cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli HS], g...
gi|218431838, gi... - gi|218704741|ref|YP_002412260.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli UMN026], gi|218431838|...
gi|190908643, gi... - gi|75242021|ref|ZP_00725815.1| COG4572: Putative cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli F11], ...
gi|194417490, gi... - gi|83569307|ref|ZP_00920763.1| COG4572: Putative cation transport regulator [Shigella dysenteriae 10...
gi|194436970, gi... - gi|83587361|ref|ZP_00925989.1| COG4572: Putative cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli 101-1]...
CHAB_ECOLI - Cation transport regulator chaB - Escherichia coli
gi|254792689, gi... - gi|254792689|ref|YP_003077526.1| predicted cation regulator [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. TW14359],...
gi|253973203, gi... - gi|254161302|ref|YP_003044410.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli B str. REL606], gi|253...
gi|253773782, gi... - gi|254288110|ref|YP_003053858.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)], gi|2539774...
gi|251784726, gi... - gi|251784726|ref|YP_002999030.1| hypothetical protein B21_01205 [Escherichia coli BL21], gi|24237699...
gi|238862192, gi... - gi|238900451|ref|YP_002926247.1| putative cation regulator [Escherichia coli BW2952], gi|238862192|g...
gi|237705181, gi... - gi|237705181|ref|ZP_04535662.1| cation transport regulator chaB [Escherichia sp. 3_2_53FAA], gi|2268...
gi|227836563, gi... - gi|227886359|ref|ZP_04004164.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli 83972], gi|227836563|gb...
gi|15830976, gi|... - gi|15830976|ref|NP_309749.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai], gi|13...
gi|110343040, gi... - gi|110641448|ref|YP_669178.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli 536], gi|110343040|gb|ABG...
gi|110614772, gi... - gi|110805224|ref|YP_688744.1| cation transport regulator [Shigella flexneri 5 str. 8401], gi|1106147...
gi|1651605, gi|8... - gi|89108065|ref|AP_001845.1| predicted cation regulator [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. W3110], ...
gi|91210440, gi|... - gi|91210440|ref|YP_540426.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli UTI89], gi|91072014|gb|ABE...
EG12402 - cation transport regulator / Accessory and regulatory protein for chaA
gi|24051521, gi|... - gi|24112616|ref|NP_707126.1| cation transport regulator [Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301], gi|24051521...
CHAB_SHIFL - Cation transport regulator ChaB OS=Shigella flexneri GN=chaB PE=4 SV=1
gi|30062741, gi|... - gi|30062741|ref|NP_836912.1| cation transport regulator [Shigella flexneri 2a str. 2457T], gi|300409...
CHAB_ECOL6 - Cation transport regulator ChaB OS=Escherichia coli O6:H1 (strain CFT073 / ATCC 700928 / UPEC) GN=ch...
EG12402 - cation transport regulator / Accessory and regulatory protein for chaA
CHAB_ECO57 - Cation transport regulator ChaB OS=Escherichia coli O157:H7 GN=chaB PE=4 SV=1
gi|12514935, gi|... - gi|15801448|ref|NP_287465.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933], gi|125149...
CHAB_ECOL6 - Cation transport regulator ChaB OS=Escherichia coli O6 GN=chaB PE=4 SV=1
100.0 [0..1] [75..1]
gi|76793159, gi|... - gi|76793159|ref|ZP_00775650.1| ChaB [Pseudoalteromonas atlantica T6c], gi|76591549|gb|EAO67748.1| Ch...
100.0 [0..1] [74..1]
gi|157802014, gi... - gi|157826710|ref|YP_001495774.1| cation transport regulator ChaB [Rickettsia bellii OSU 85-389], gi|...
98.0 [0..1] [73..1]
gi|67005011, gi|... - gi|67459478|ref|YP_247102.1| cation transport regulator ChaB [Rickettsia felis URRWXCal2], gi|670050...
95.0 [0..1] [75..1]
gi|218351465, gi... - gi|218694733|ref|YP_002402400.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli 55989], gi|218351465|e...
gi|209918461, gi... - gi|209918461|ref|YP_002292545.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli SE11], gi|209911720|db...
gi|218360540, gi... - gi|218553772|ref|YP_002386685.1| cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli IAI1], gi|218360540|em...
gi|75257125, gi|... - gi|75257125|ref|ZP_00728661.1| COG4572: Putative cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli E22], ...
gi|193069960, gi... - gi|75235271|ref|ZP_00719508.1| COG4572: Putative cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli E11001...
gi|75230221, gi|... - gi|75230221|ref|ZP_00716722.1| COG4572: Putative cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli B7A], ...
gi|157158720, gi... - gi|75190271|ref|ZP_00703538.1| COG4572: Putative cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli E24377...
gi|75179184, gi|... - gi|75179184|ref|ZP_00699202.1| COG4572: Putative cation transport regulator [Shigella boydii BS512],...
95.0 [0..1] [75..1]
gi|77954157, gi|... - gi|77954157|ref|ZP_00818556.1| cation transport regulator [Marinobacter aquaeolei VT8], gi|77866912|...
94.0 [0..1] [74..1]
gi|194425937, gi... - gi|75212654|ref|ZP_00712652.1| COG4572: Putative cation transport regulator [Escherichia coli B171],...
91.0 [0..1] [75..1]


Predicted Domain #1
Region A:
Residues: [1-76]
      1          11         21         31         41         51         
      |          |          |          |          |          |          

[Run NCBI BLAST on this sequence.]

Detection Method: PSI-BLAST
Confidence: 22.39794
Match: 1sg7A
Description: NMR solution structure of the putative cation transport regulator ChaB
Matching Structure (courtesy of the PDB):

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle