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Organism: Yersinia pestis
Length: 116 amino acids
Reference: Drew K, et al. (2011) The proteome folding project: Proteome-scale prediction of structure and function. Genome Res. 2011 Sep 16

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Top Sequence Alignment Hits

Listed below are up to the top 10 sequence alignment matches, by species, for the PSI-BLAST search against the protein sequence for BAME_YERPE.

Description E-value Query
gi|152960846, gi... - gi|77632097|ref|ZP_00794683.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Yersinia pseudotuberculosis...
154.0 [0..4] [116..1]
gi|27359954, gi|... - gi|27363837|ref|NP_759365.1| small protein A [Vibrio vulnificus CMCP6], gi|27359954|gb|AAO08892.1|AE...
154.0 [0..4] [116..1]
gi|121726019, gi... - gi|121726019|ref|ZP_01679318.1| small protein A [Vibrio cholerae V52], gi|121631501|gb|EAX63871.1| s...
gi|121550052, gi... - gi|121585689|ref|ZP_01675484.1| small protein A [Vibrio cholerae 2740-80], gi|121550052|gb|EAX60068....
gi|153818051, gi... - gi|153818051|ref|ZP_01970718.1| small protein A [Vibrio cholerae NCTC 8457], gi|126511397|gb|EAZ7399...
gi|124117549, gi... - gi|153224620|ref|ZP_01954527.1| small protein A [Vibrio cholerae MAK 757], gi|124117549|gb|EAY36292....
gi|153822049, gi... - gi|229510790|ref|ZP_04400269.1| lipoprotein SmpA a component of the essential YaeT outer-membrane pr...
gi|146315440, gi... - gi|227117221|ref|YP_002819117.1| small protein A [Vibrio cholerae O395], gi|227012671|gb|ACP08881.1|...
gi|11356167 - gi|11356167|pir||F82272 small protein A VC0851 [imported] - Vibrio cholerae (strain N16961 serogroup...
gi|229505539, gi... - gi|229505539|ref|ZP_04395049.1| lipoprotein SmpA a component of the essential YaeT outer-membrane pr...
gi|227008915, gi... - gi|227081027|ref|YP_002809578.1| small protein A [Vibrio cholerae M66-2], gi|227008915|gb|ACP05127.1...
gi|229344626, gi... - gi|229517911|ref|ZP_04407355.1| lipoprotein SmpA a component of the essential YaeT outer-membrane pr...
gi|229349938, gi... - gi|229513045|ref|ZP_04402511.1| lipoprotein SmpA a component of the essential YaeT outer-membrane pr...
gi|229339055, gi... - gi|229525474|ref|ZP_04414879.1| lipoprotein SmpA a component of the essential YaeT outer-membrane pr...
gi|229339707, gi... - gi|229523344|ref|ZP_04412751.1| lipoprotein SmpA a component of the essential YaeT outer-membrane pr...
gi|254847988, gi... - gi|254847988|ref|ZP_05237338.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Vibrio cholerae MO10], gi|254843693|...
gi|9655303, gi|1... - gi|9655303|gb|AAF94013.1| small protein A [Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961], gi|1564086...
gi|229608559, gi... - gi|229608559|ref|YP_002879207.1| lipoprotein SmpA a component of the essential YaeT outer-membrane p...
153.0 [0..1] [116..15]
gi|167419608, gi... - gi|167419608|ref|ZP_02311361.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Yersinia pestis biovar Orientalis str...
gi|167399779, gi... - gi|167399779|ref|ZP_02305297.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Yersinia pestis biovar Antiqua str. U...
gi|166211505, gi... - gi|166211505|ref|ZP_02237540.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Yersinia pestis biovar Antiqua str. B...
gi|165989506, gi... - gi|166011558|ref|ZP_02232456.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Yersinia pestis biovar Antiqua str. E...
gi|229013126 - gi|229013126|ref|NP_670375.2| hypothetical protein y3076 [Yersinia pestis KIM]
gi|186697561, gi... - gi|186894535|ref|YP_001871647.1| hypothetical protein YPTS_1215 [Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PB1/+],...
gi|169751733, gi... - gi|170025199|ref|YP_001721704.1| hypothetical protein YPK_2977 [Yersinia pseudotuberculosis YPIII], ...
gi|229310104 - gi|229310104|ref|YP_069673.2| hypothetical protein YPTB1138 [Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IP 32953]
gi|167056709, gi... - gi|167423860|ref|ZP_02315613.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Yersinia pestis biovar Mediaevalis st...
gi|229220782 - gi|229220782|ref|NP_992425.2| hypothetical protein YP_1052 [Yersinia pestis biovar Microtus str. 910...
gi|229843143, gi... - gi|229843143|ref|ZP_04463289.1| Outer membrane lipoprotein OmlA [Yersinia pestis biovar Orientalis s...
gi|229697405, gi... - gi|229841039|ref|ZP_04461198.1| Outer membrane lipoprotein OmlA [Yersinia pestis biovar Orientalis s...
gi|229893981, gi... - gi|229893981|ref|ZP_04509167.1| Outer membrane lipoprotein OmlA [Yersinia pestis Pestoides A], gi|22...
gi|165923692, gi... - gi|165924632|ref|ZP_02220464.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Yersinia pestis biovar Orientalis str...
gi|162418747, gi... - gi|162418747|ref|YP_001605901.1| hypothetical protein YpAngola_A1375 [Yersinia pestis Angola], gi|16...
gi|108776702, gi... - gi|229903495|ref|ZP_04518608.1| Outer membrane lipoprotein OmlA [Yersinia pestis Nepal516], gi|22967...
gi|108778492, gi... - gi|108806579|ref|YP_650495.1| hypothetical protein YPA_0582 [Yersinia pestis Antiqua], gi|108778492|...
gi|165913783, gi... - gi|89105211|ref|ZP_01177735.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Yersinia pestis biovar Orie...
gi|145599858, gi... - gi|145599858|ref|YP_001163934.1| hypothetical protein YPDSF_2593 [Yersinia pestis Pestoides F], gi|1...
152.0 [0..4] [116..1]
gi|77958606, gi|... - gi|77958606|ref|ZP_00822637.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Yersinia bercovieri ATCC 43...
gi|77963359 - gi|77963359|ref|ZP_00827169.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Yersinia mollaretii ATCC 43...
152.0 [0..4] [116..1]
gi|218352972, gi... - gi|218696240|ref|YP_002403907.1| hypothetical protein EC55989_2905 [Escherichia coli 55989], gi|2183...
gi|218371114, gi... - gi|218701128|ref|YP_002408757.1| hypothetical protein ECIAI39_2820 [Escherichia coli IAI39], gi|2183...
gi|218433214, gi... - gi|218706117|ref|YP_002413636.1| hypothetical protein ECUMN_2941 [Escherichia coli UMN026], gi|21843...
gi|209157722, gi... - gi|209396322|ref|YP_002272086.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4115...
gi|209913350, gi... - gi|209920091|ref|YP_002294175.1| hypothetical protein ECSE_2900 [Escherichia coli SE11], gi|20991335...
gi|215266038, gi... - gi|215487966|ref|YP_002330397.1| hypothetical protein E2348C_2905 [Escherichia coli O127:H6 str. E23...
gi|217319717, gi... - gi|217327350|ref|ZP_03443433.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. TW14588...
gi|218547865, gi... - gi|218547865|ref|YP_002381656.1| hypothetical protein EFER_0456 [Escherichia fergusonii ATCC 35469],...
gi|218555196, gi... - gi|218555196|ref|YP_002388109.1| hypothetical protein ECIAI1_2738 [Escherichia coli IAI1], gi|218361...
gi|218366305, gi... - gi|218559536|ref|YP_002392449.1| hypothetical protein ECS88_2803 [Escherichia coli S88], gi|21836630...
gi|218428298, gi... - gi|218690734|ref|YP_002398946.1| hypothetical protein ECED1_3055 [Escherichia coli ED1a], gi|2184282...
gi|254593962, gi... - gi|254794562|ref|YP_003079399.1| small membrane lipoprotein [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. TW14359],...
gi|254037692, gi... - gi|254037692|ref|ZP_04871750.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Escherichia sp. 1_1_43], gi|22683931...
gi|253772490, gi... - gi|253772490|ref|YP_003035321.1| SmpA/OmlA domain protein [Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)], gi|253323534...
gi|242378211, gi... - gi|251785938|ref|YP_003000242.1| hypothetical protein B21_02469 [Escherichia coli BL21], gi|24237821...
gi|238863559, gi... - gi|238901776|ref|YP_002927572.1| small membrane lipoprotein [Escherichia coli BW2952], gi|238863559|...
gi|237706795, gi... - gi|237706795|ref|ZP_04537276.1| small membrane lipoprotein [Escherichia sp. 3_2_53FAA], gi|226899835...
gi|229774938 - gi|229774938|ref|YP_690236.2| hypothetical protein SFV_2854 [Shigella flexneri 5 str. 8401]
gi|227834823, gi... - gi|227888183|ref|ZP_04005988.1| SmpA family lipoprotein [Escherichia coli 83972], gi|227834823|gb|EE...
gi|168789519, gi... - gi|189370877|gb|EDU89293.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC869], gi|...
gi|189377192, gi... - gi|189377192|gb|EDU95608.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC508], gi|...
gi|170019107, gi... - gi|170019107|ref|YP_001724061.1| hypothetical protein EcolC_1067 [Escherichia coli ATCC 8739], gi|16...
gi|170082219, gi... - gi|170082219|ref|YP_001731539.1| small membrane lipoprotein [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. DH10...
gi|195939668 - gi|195939668|ref|ZP_03085050.1| hypothetical protein EscherichcoliO157_25235 [Escherichia coli O157:...
gi|208729004, gi... - gi|208809203|ref|ZP_03251540.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4206]...
gi|208814447, gi... - gi|208814447|ref|ZP_03255776.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4045]...
gi|208740776, gi... - gi|208820653|ref|ZP_03260973.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4042]...
BAME_SHIDS - Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE OS=Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 (strain Sd197) GN=bam...
gi|161986469 - gi|161986469|ref|YP_311625.2| hypothetical protein SSON_2773 [Shigella sonnei Ss046]
gi|168752577, gi... - gi|188013610|gb|EDU51732.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4113], gi...
gi|168755359, gi... - gi|189357325|gb|EDU75744.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4401], gi...
gi|189367260, gi... - gi|189367260|gb|EDU85676.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4501], gi...
gi|168768704, gi... - gi|189362052|gb|EDU80471.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4486], gi...
gi|168774857, gi... - gi|187769545|gb|EDU33389.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4196], gi...
gi|189003428, gi... - gi|189003428|gb|EDU72414.1| lipoprotein, SmpA/OmlA family [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4076], gi...
SMPA_ECOL6 - Small protein A OS=Escherichia coli O6 GN=smpA PE=3 SV=1
EG10952 - lipoprotein component of BamABCDE OM biogenesis complex / Lipoprotein stabilizer of BamABCDE OM biog...
gi|157156994, gi... - gi|75187364|ref|ZP_00700631.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Escherichia coli E24377A], ...
gi|157162092, gi... - gi|75196630|ref|ZP_00706700.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Escherichia coli HS], gi|15...
gi|194427922, gi... - gi|75210858|ref|ZP_00710982.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Escherichia coli B171], gi|...
gi|190902849, gi... - gi|75229734|ref|ZP_00716264.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Escherichia coli B7A], gi|1...
gi|190908368, gi... - gi|75241602|ref|ZP_00725439.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Escherichia coli F11], gi|1...
gi|75255985, gi|... - gi|75255985|ref|ZP_00727709.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Escherichia coli E22], gi|1...
SMPA_ECOLI - Small protein A precursor - Escherichia coli
gi|188495950, gi... - gi|75513222|ref|ZP_00735664.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Escherichia coli 53638], gi...
EG10952 - lipoprotein component of BamABCDE OM biogenesis complex / Lipoprotein stabilizer of BamABCDE OM biog...
gi|24053063, gi|... - ref|NP_708464.1| Small protein A precursor [Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301], gb|AAN44171.1| Small pr...
gi|91073526, gi|... - gi|91211952|ref|YP_541938.1| hypothetical protein UTI89_C2951 [Escherichia coli UTI89], gi|91073526|...
gi|51773742 - gi|51773742|emb|CAH23267.1| small membrane protein A [Bacteriophage CP-1639]
gi|110642777, gi... - gi|110642777|ref|YP_670507.1| hypothetical protein ECP_2617 [Escherichia coli 536], gi|110344369|gb|...
gi|117624838, gi... - gi|117624838|ref|YP_853751.1| hypothetical protein APECO1_3917 [Escherichia coli APEC O1], gi|115513...
BAME_ECOL6 - Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE OS=Escherichia coli O6:H1 (strain CFT073 / ATCC 700928 /...
gi|124500907, gi... - gi|124528015|ref|ZP_01699368.1| SmpA/OmlA domain protein [Escherichia coli B], gi|124500907|gb|EAY48...
BAME_SHIFL - Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE OS=Shigella flexneri GN=bamE PE=3 SV=1
gi|83569991, gi|... - gi|83569991|ref|ZP_00921439.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Shigella dysenteriae 1012],...
gi|194439425, gi... - gi|83585179|ref|ZP_00923830.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Escherichia coli 101-1], gi...
gi|89109417, gi|... - gi|89109417|ref|AP_003197.1| small membrane lipoprotein [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. W3110], ...
152.0 [0..4] [116..1]
BAME_VIBF1 - Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE OS=Vibrio fischeri (strain ATCC 700601 / ES114) GN=bamE ...
152.0 [0..4] [116..1]
gi|37679005, gi|... - gi|37679005|ref|NP_933614.1| small protein A [Vibrio vulnificus YJ016], gi|37197747|dbj|BAC93585.1| ...
152.0 [0..4] [116..1]
gi|77974740 - gi|77974740|ref|ZP_00830279.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Yersinia frederiksenii ATCC...
gi|77978426 - gi|77978426|ref|ZP_00833855.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Yersinia intermedia ATCC 29...
151.0 [0..4] [116..1]
gi|75831931, gi|... - gi|75831931|ref|ZP_00761190.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Vibrio cholerae MO10], gi|1...
SMPA_VIBCH - Small protein A homolog OS=Vibrio cholerae GN=smpA PE=3 SV=1
BAME_VIBC3 - Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE OS=Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 (strain ATCC 39541 / Clas...
gi|75822957, gi|... - gi|75822957|ref|ZP_00752502.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Vibrio cholerae RC385], gi|...
gi|75818218, gi|... - gi|75818218|ref|ZP_00748414.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Vibrio cholerae V51], gi|11...
BAME_VIBCH - Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE OS=Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 (strain ATCC 39315 / El T...
gi|75816111 - gi|75816111|ref|ZP_00746591.1| COG2913: Small protein A (tmRNA-binding) [Vibrio cholerae V52]
151.0 [0..4] [116..1]


Predicted Domain #1
Region A:
Residues: [1-116]
      1          11         21         31         41         51         
      |          |          |          |          |          |          

[Run NCBI BLAST on this sequence.]

Detection Method: Pfam
Confidence: 33.721246
Match: PF04355.4
Description: No description for PF04355.4 was found.

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YRC Informatics Platform - Version 3.0
Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle