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Protein: gi|122852101
Organism: Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/31/1983(H1N1))
Length: 121 amino acids
Reference: Drew K, et al. (2011) The proteome folding project: Proteome-scale prediction of structure and function. Genome Res. 2011 Sep 16

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Top Sequence Alignment Hits

Listed below are up to the top 10 sequence alignment matches, by species, for the PSI-BLAST search against the protein sequence for gi|122852101.

Description E-value Query
gi|324027|gb|AAA... - nonstructural protein NS [Influenza A virus (A/FPV/Rostock/1934(H7N1))]
gi|324027 - gi|324027|gb|AAA43115.1| nonstructural protein NS [Influenza A virus (A/FPV/Rostock/1934(H7N1))]
gi|324027 - gi|324027|gb|AAA43115.1| nonstructural protein NS
221.0 [0..8] [121..165]
gi|37926616 - gi|37926616|gb|AAO46576.1| non-structural protein NS2 [Influenza A virus (A/ElSalvador/2/57(H2N2))]
gi|37926616 - gi|37926616|gb|AAO46576.1| non-structural protein NS2 [Influenza A virus (A/ElSalvador/2/57(H2N2))]
220.0 [0..1] [121..1]
gi|125976172 - gi|125976172|gb|ABN59407.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/4835/1948(H1N1))]
gi|158344920 - gi|158344920|gb|ABW36317.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/8/1979(H1N1))]
gi|125663548 - gi|125663548|gb|ABN50762.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/1/1979(H1N1))]
gi|125976229 - gi|125976229|gb|ABN59440.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Roma/1949(H1N1))]
gi|125976210 - gi|125976210|gb|ABN59429.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Arizona/14/1978(H1N1))]
gi|131059304 - gi|131059304|gb|ABO32998.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Lackland/7/1978(H1N1))]
gi|324840, gi|75165 - gi|75165|pir||MNIV2A nonstructural protein NS2 - influenza A virus (strain A/ USSR/90/77 [H1N1]), gi...
gi|131059066 - gi|131059066|gb|ABO32987.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Lackland/3/1978(H1N1))]
NEP_I77AA - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/Brazil/11/1978 H1N1) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|89112442 - gi|89112442|gb|ABD60939.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/USSR/92/77(H1N1))]
NEP_I77AB - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/USSR/90/1977 H1N1) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|94959828 - gi|94959828|gb|ABF47732.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/15/1978(H1N1))]
gi|94959847 - gi|94959847|gb|ABF47743.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/17/1978(H1N1))]
gi|146133763 - gi|146133763|gb|ABQ01328.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/USSR/46/1979(H1N1))]
gi|145279029 - gi|145279029|gb|ABP49454.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/20/1978(H1N1))]
NEP_IAUSS, VNS2_... - (P03504) Nonstructural protein NS2, (P03504) Nuclear export protein (NEP) (Non structural protein 2)...
gi|145278839 - gi|145278839|gb|ABP49344.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/California/10/1978(H1N1))]
gi|109159439 - gi|109159439|gb|ABG26819.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/1/1978(H1N1))]
gi|145278801 - gi|145278801|gb|ABP49322.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/4836/1950(H1N1))]
gi|94959771 - gi|94959771|gb|ABF47699.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/10/1978(H1N1))]
gi|94959790 - gi|94959790|gb|ABF47710.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/11/1978(H1N1))]
gi|118313017 - gi|118313017|gb|ABK79954.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/20/1978(H1N1))]
gi|94959809 - gi|94959809|gb|ABF47721.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/13/1978(H1N1))]
220.0 [0..1] [121..1]
gi|148897961 - gi|148897961|gb|ABR15814.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/13/1951(H1N1))]
gi|146760095 - gi|146760095|gb|ABQ44477.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/14/1951(H1N1))]
gi|146133744 - gi|146133744|gb|ABQ01317.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/1618/1951(H1N1))]
NEP_I51A0 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Albany/12/1951 H1N1) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|89114306 - gi|89114306|gb|ABD61741.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Fort Worth/50(H1N1))]
gi|89782564 - gi|89782564|gb|ABD77824.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Baylor/11735/82(H1N1))]
gi|90572592 - gi|90572592|gb|ABD95345.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Baylor/11515/82(H1N1))]
NEP_I57A0 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/Japan/305/1957 H2N2) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|188504360 - gi|188504360|gb|ACD56297.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Ann Arbor/23/1957(H2N2))]
gi|86793308 - gi|86793308|gb|ABD15265.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Denver/57(H1N1))]
gi|89112499 - gi|89112499|gb|ABD60972.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Malaysia/54(H1N1))]
NEP_I60A0 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/Ann Arbor/6/1960 H2N2) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|37926610 - gi|37926610|gb|AAO46572.1| non-structural protein NS2 [Influenza A virus (A/Davis/1/57(H2N2))]
NEP_I57A1 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningrad/134/1957 H2N2) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|37926619 - gi|37926619|gb|AAO46578.1| non-structural protein NS2 [Influenza A virus (A/Malaya/16/58(H2N2))]
gi|94959866 - gi|94959866|gb|ABF47754.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/7/1980(H1N1))]
NEP_I57A0 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/Japan/305/1957 H2N2) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|324861, gi|32... - gi|75164|pir||MNIV62 nonstructural protein NS2 - influenza A virus (strain A/Ann Arbor/6/60 [H2N2]),...
gi|145279010 - gi|145279010|gb|ABP49443.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/24/1958(H2N2))]
gi|125663838 - gi|125663838|gb|ABN50906.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Memphis/49/1983(H1N1))]
NEP_I54A2 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/Malaysia:Malaya/302/1954 H1N1) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|134047456 - gi|134047456|gb|ABO52264.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Baylor/4052/1981(H1N1))]
gi|86793308 - gi|86793308|gb|ABD15265.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Denver/57(H1N1))]
gi|63054918 - gi|63054918|gb|AAY28996.1| non-structural protein NS2 [Influenza A virus (A/Canada/720/05(H2N2))]
NEP_IALE1 - Nuclear export protein (NEP) (Non-structural protein 2) (NS2) - Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningra...
NEP_I60A0, NEP_I... - (P21432) Nonstructural protein NS2, Nuclear export protein - Influenza A virus (strain A/Ann Arbor/6...
220.0 [0..1] [121..1]
NEP_I45A0 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Huston/AA/1945 H1N1) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|89152224 - gi|89152224|gb|ABD62848.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Bel/1942(H1N1))]
gi|133752892 - gi|133752892|gb|ABO38060.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/AA/Marton/1943(H1N1))]
NEP_I43A0 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Iowa/1943 H1N1) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|89152224|gb|A... - nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Bel/42(H1N1))]
219.0 [0..1] [121..1]
gi|324760 - gi|324760|gb|AAA43494.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/swine/1976/1931(H1N1))]
gi|324760 - gi|324760|gb|AAA43494.1| nonstructural protein 2
219.0 [0..1] [121..1]
NEP_IAWIL - (Q89733) Nuclear export protein (NEP) (Non structural protein 2) (NS2)
gi|541609 - gi|541609|gb|AAA21583.1| non-structural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/WS/1933(H1N1))]
gi|541606 - gi|541606|gb|AAA21581.1| non-structural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/WSN/1940(H1N1))]
gi|94960381 - gi|94960381|gb|ABF47961.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/WSN/1933 TS61(H1N1))]
NEP_I33A0 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/Wilson-Smith/1933 H1N1) GN=NS PE=1 SV=1
gi|194352381 - gi|194352381|gb|ACF54604.1| nuclear export protein [Influenza A virus (A/WSN/1933(H1N1))]
gi|541606, gi|541609 - gi|541609|gb|AAA21583.1| non-structural protein 2, gi|541606|gb|AAA21581.1| non-structural protein 2
219.0 [0..1] [121..1]
gi|324590, gi|324593 - gi|324593|gb|AAA19202.1| nonstructural protein 2, gi|324590|gb|AAA19200.1| nonstructural protein 2
NEP_I57A2 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningrad/134/17/1957 H2N2) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
NEP_IALE2, VNS2_... - (P26133) Nonstructural protein NS2, (P69266) Nuclear export protein (NEP) (Non structural protein 2)...
NEP_I57A3 - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningrad/134/47/1957 H2N2) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
NEP_IALE3 - Nuclear export protein (NEP) (Non-structural protein 2) (NS2) - Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningra...
219.0 [0..1] [121..1]
gi|37926628 - gi|37926628|gb|AAO46584.1| non-structural protein NS2 [Influenza A virus (A/SaoPaolo/3/59(H2N2))]
gi|37926625 - gi|37926625|gb|AAO46582.1| non-structural protein NS2 [Influenza A virus (A/Victoria/15681/59(H2N2))...
gi|133982561 - gi|133982561|gb|ABO44096.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/1/1959(H2N2))]
gi|146133820 - gi|146133820|gb|ABQ01361.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/1/1960(H2N2))]
gi|37926628 - gi|37926628|gb|AAO46584.1| non-structural protein NS2 [Influenza A virus (A/SaoPaolo/3/59(H2N2))]
219.0 [0..1] [121..1]
NEP_I80AA - Nuclear export protein OS=Influenza A virus (strain A/India/6263/1980 H1N1) GN=NS PE=3 SV=1
gi|133753667 - gi|133753667|gb|ABO38313.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/26/1957(H2N2))]
gi|134047533 - gi|134047533|gb|ABO52308.1| nonstructural protein 2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/3/1958(H2N2))]
gi|37926622 - gi|37926622|gb|AAO46580.1| non-structural protein NS2 [Influenza A virus (A/Albany/6/58(H2N2))]
219.0 [0..1] [121..1]


Predicted Domain #1
Region A:
Residues: [1-54]
      1          11         21         31         41         51         
      |          |          |          |          |          |          

[Run NCBI BLAST on this sequence.]

Detection Method: MSA

Shown below is our most confident prediction for this domain.
Click here to view all matches.

Found no confident structure predictions for this domain.

Predicted Domain #2
Region A:
Residues: [55-121]
      1          11         21         31         41         51         
      |          |          |          |          |          |          

[Run NCBI BLAST on this sequence.]

Detection Method: PSI-BLAST
Confidence: 23.69897
Match: 1pd3A
Description: Influenza A NEP M1-binding domain
Matching Structure (courtesy of the PDB):

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle