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Protein Overview: SPAC1B3.08

Protein Complex Data

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Domains predicted:

#   Region(s) Method Confidence Match Description
1 View Details [1..350] FFAS03 1.13 Vesicular transport protein sec17
2 View Details [351..423] PSI-BLAST 5.522879 Solution structure of the PCI domain

Functions predicted (by domain):

# Gene Ontology predictions
Term Confidence Notes
  • binding
  • 2.0556615145105 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • protein binding
  • 1.6502679626605 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • small conjugating protein ligase activity
  • 1.37433494532207 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • ubiquitin-protein ligase activity
  • 1.16698845971978 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • acid-amino acid ligase activity
  • 0.782086955538979 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • nucleic acid binding
  • 0.437277381081288 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription regulator activity
  • 0.198767743012145 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • DNA binding
  • 0.186035324819401 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transferase activity
  • 0.157308242400253 bayes_pls_golite062009
    Term Confidence Notes
  • transcription regulator activity
  • 3.38230388954255 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • nucleic acid binding
  • 3.38144578566524 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • DNA binding
  • 3.30822066787723 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • binding
  • 2.93590311675477 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription factor activity
  • 2.53517246325934 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • sequence-specific DNA binding
  • 1.28622713424902 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription activator activity
  • 1.08566311616647 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • small conjugating protein ligase activity
  • 1.04514547811581 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription repressor activity
  • 0.95491822926452 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • protein binding
  • 0.890737236042485 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • ubiquitin-protein ligase activity
  • 0.804680913729793 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • acid-amino acid ligase activity
  • 0.59179664022664 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity
  • 0.42135864069093 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups
  • 0.249771970501337 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transferase activity
  • 0.064832527337659 bayes_pls_golite062009

    Philius Transmembrane Prediction:

    Protein predicted to be: GLOBULAR (No transmembrane regions or signal peptide)
    Confidence of classification: 0.88

    Source: Reynolds et al. (2008)

    YRC Informatics Platform - Version 3.0
    Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle