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Descriptions Names[Advanced Search]

Y1010_PYRHO gi|159794778, gi... Y986_PYRHO Y1033_PYRHO PGP_PYRHO gi|225733989, gi... THIM_PYRHO gi|15988243 gi|7450452, gi|1... gi|110591165, gi... gi|158429358, gi... gi|56554195 gi|7518536, gi|1... MOAC_PYRHO gi|116667782, gi... gi|7521338, gi|6... gi|109157403, gi... gi|7518597, gi|1...

View Protein Complex Data

Protein Complex Data Overview

Protein: gi|7447797, gi|1...
From Publication: Noble WS, et al. (2009) Manuscript in preparation.
Complexes containing gi|7447797, gi|1...: 17

Interactive Protein Complex Map

The vertices presented in the network are the proteins predicted to be cocomplexed with gi|7447797, gi|1... from this publication. An edge exists between any two proteins that are predicted to be cocomplexed by this study. Edges are colored based on the similarity of the GO annotation for Biological Process between the two proteins.


   = Same process, or one is unknown.    = Same branch, distance 4.
   = Same branch, distance 1.    = Same branch, distance 5.
   = Same branch, distance 2.    = Same branch, distance 6 or more.
   = Same branch, distance 3.    = Not in same branch of GO.

Protein Complex Details

  Size Notes Members
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2CVIA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.912809504602 gi|109157403, gi... gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 3D7AA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.923868318512 YA10_PYRHO, Y101... gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2ZTSA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.921684936773 gi|225733988, gi... gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2YX6A and 2EENA with confidence: 0.914044777858 gi|159795645, gi... gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2EKNA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.913114622507 MOAC_PYRHO gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2HQ4A and 2EENA with confidence: 0.938491945151 gi|116667781, gi... gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 1VDMA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.924978683771 gi|67463846, gi|... gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2DDZA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.907468272009 gi|134104109, gi... gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2Z0TA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.93697666497 gi|7447797, gi|1... gi|7518597, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2P9XA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.971536800136 gi|158429358, gi... gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 1IONA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.947720572865 gi|15988243 gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 1ULYA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.910272509386 gi|56554195 gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 1WR8A and 2EENA with confidence: 0.951077508251 PGP_PYRHO gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2DB0A and 2EENA with confidence: 0.92770337052 gi|110591164, gi... gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 1V8AA and 2EENA with confidence: 0.926709410494 THIM_PYRHO gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2EENA and 1V6TA with confidence: 0.980748733161 Y986_PYRHO gi|7447797, gi|1...
View GO Analysis 2 proteins Predicted to be cocomplexed based on PDB structures 2EENA and 2HD9A with confidence: 0.969747112997 Y1033_PYRHO, YA3... gi|7447797, gi|1...

YRC Informatics Platform - Version 3.0
Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle