Peptides ():
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PSM Data
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Calculated Mass (pLink)
Delta Mass (pLink)
Delta Mass (PPM) (pLink)
E-value (pLink)
PSM Data
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dScore (kojak)
Obs Mass (kojak)
p-value (percolator)
PEP (percolator)
Pep. Diff. (kojak)
PPM Error (kojak)
PSM Mass (kojak)
q-value (percolator)
Ret Time (kojak)
Scan Number (percolator)
Score (kojak)
SVM Score (percolator)
Peptide Data
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p-value (percolator)
PEP (percolator)
q-value (percolator)
SVM Score (percolator)
PSM Data
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Click the to remove.
fdr b-h (Crux)
fdr decoy (Crux)
ion current total (Crux)
mass error(ppm) (Crux)
p-value (Crux)
p-value bonf. (Crux)
peptide mass average (Crux)
peptide mass mono (Crux)
q-value b-h (Crux)
q-value decoy (Crux)
spectrum neutral mass (Crux)
spectrum precursor m/z (Crux)
xcorr score (Crux)
Note: scores noted with a
represent the best of multiple scores for this peptide in the search.