// PMIDs of publications we want to be sure to include in the publications list // despite their not having the YRC grant number associated with them in PubMed var publicationsToInclude = [ 16964240, 16943775, 16741098, 16794040, 16543460, 16794074, 18075578, 17805301, 17673661, 17556576, 17495904, 17510365, 18323454, 19092927, 18849969, 18566290, 20436457, 20631709, 20133520, 20128923, 19396170, 19394300, 19034676, 19019827, 19190187, 18322008, 18805093, 16166519, 15215442, 14579342, 12215415, 18326625, 19998407, 21824995, 21437266, 22384314, 22075445, 22001016, 21945116, 21566186, 20597089, 22611296, 24895379, 25056180 ]; function loadPublications() { var divs = [ "intPublications", "msPublications", "y2hPublications", "microPublications", "pspPublications", "infoPublications", "compbioPublications", "qphenoPublications" ]; //var auths = [ "yates+maccoss+aebersold", "fields", "davis-tn+muller-eg", "baker-d", "riffle+sharma", "noble", "dunham+akey" ]; // send publications to web service so that it knows about them addPublicationsToService(); // load and show ten publications for each section $.each( divs, function( i, item ) { showPublicationsForGroup( divs[ i ], 10 ); }); } // add the PMIDs to always consider to the service function addPublicationsToService() { var service_url = "http://www.yeastrc.org/yrc/service/publicationSearch.do?"; //var service_url = "http://localhost:8080/yrc/service/publicationSearch.do?"; $.each( publicationsToInclude, function( i, item ) { $.getJSON( service_url + "pmid=" + item + "&jsoncallback=?", function( data ) { } ); }); } function showPublicationsForGroup( group, retMax ) { var service_url = "http://www.yeastrc.org/yrc/service/publicationSearch.do?"; //var service_url = "http://localhost:8080/yrc/service/publicationSearch.do?"; service_url += "retMax=" + retMax; service_url += "&query=" + group; service_url += "&jsoncallback=?"; $('#'+group).empty(); var con = "
Retrieving citations from PubMed...
"; $(con).appendTo( "#" + group ); $.getJSON(service_url, function(data){ $('#'+group).empty(); if( retMax == 10 ) { var str = "
Showing 10 most recent results. [Show All]"; $(str).appendTo( "#" + group ); } var test = "
    "; $.each(data.data, function(i,item){ test += '
  1. ' + item.title + '
    '; test += '' + item.formattedAuthors + '
    '; test += '' + item.journal + '. ' + item.pubDate + '; ' + item.location; test += '
    [PMID:' + item.pmid + ']'; if( item.pmcid != null && item.pmcid != '' ) { test += '[PMCID:' + item.pmcid + ']'; } test += "
  2. "; }); test += "
"; $(test).appendTo( '#' + group ); }); } $(document).ready(function() { loadPublications();});