element annotation_sort_order
diagram proxl-xml-v1.4_diagrams/proxl-xml-v1.4_p2.png
content complex
children psm_annotation_sort_order reported_peptide_annotation_sort_order
used by
element search_program_info
The sort order applied to filterable annotation when presenting the default listing of PSMs or peptides. The order will be in the order the annotations appear here. E.g. if "q-value" is listed first and "p-value" is listed next, the items will be sorted on q-value first, then, sorted on p-value in the case of ties. Note: all annotation types listed here must be filterable. If this element is not present, no default sorting will be applied to listed PSMs or peptides in ProXL.
source <xs:element name="annotation_sort_order">
<xs:documentation>The sort order applied to filterable annotation when presenting the default listing of PSMs or peptides. The order will be in the order the annotations appear here. E.g. if "q-value" is listed first and "p-value" is listed next, the items will be sorted on q-value first, then, sorted on p-value in the case of ties. Note: all annotation types listed here must be filterable. If this element is not present, no default sorting will be applied to listed PSMs or peptides in ProXL.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="psm_annotation_sort_order" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="reported_peptide_annotation_sort_order" minOccurs="0"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy