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Protein Overview: gi|30260336, gi|...

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Domains predicted:

#   Region(s) Method Confidence Match Description
1 View Details [1..237] PSI-BLAST 43.154902 Structure of the catalytic domain of CwlV, N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase from Bacillus(Paenibacillus) polymyxa var.colistinus

Functions predicted (by domain):

# Gene Ontology predictions
Term Confidence Notes
  • hydrolase activity
  • 3.67722840912402 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase activity
  • 3.0995594592309 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • peptidase activity
  • 2.70319066310115 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • peptidase activity, acting on L-amino acid peptides
  • 2.44249748878472 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds, in linear amides
  • 2.07011073073947 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • carboxypeptidase activity
  • 1.95498314957158 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • catalytic activity
  • 1.3989281287879 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • exopeptidase activity
  • 0.606503700246216 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • binding
  • 0.252136075715404 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • metallopeptidase activity
  • 0.117214777864168 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • protein binding
  • 0.0314733407355351 bayes_pls_golite062009

    Philius Transmembrane Prediction:

    [View Details]
    Source: Reynolds et al. 2008. Manuscript submitted Philius confidence legend

    YRC Informatics Platform - Version 3.0
    Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle