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Protein Overview: gi|109482994, gi...

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Domains predicted:

#   Region(s) Method Confidence Match Description
1 View Details [1..192] Pfam 107.119186 No description for PF04617.4 was found. No confident structure predictions are available.
2 View Details [193..260] PSI-BLAST 24.0 Crystal Structure of HoxA9 and Pbx1 homeodomains bound to DNA

Functions predicted (by domain):

# Gene Ontology predictions
1 No functions predicted.
Term Confidence Notes
  • transcription regulator activity
  • 5.13863038737912 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • DNA binding
  • 4.66369707598026 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • nucleic acid binding
  • 4.51452285155271 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription factor activity
  • 4.06706589695599 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • sequence-specific DNA binding
  • 3.5139760613123 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity
  • 3.16896789933192 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription activator activity
  • 3.10621734076555 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • binding
  • 3.02779747447702 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription repressor activity
  • 1.91962622287073 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • protein binding
  • 1.88087411289001 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • specific RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity
  • 1.73068440195944 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • chromatin binding
  • 1.68956710349366 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • general RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity
  • 1.62096064323298 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription factor binding
  • 1.40653841901929 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription cofactor activity
  • 0.84983974758882 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription coactivator activity
  • 0.2679415219517 bayes_pls_golite062009
  • transcription corepressor activity
  • 0.25931464844298 bayes_pls_golite062009

    Philius Transmembrane Prediction:

    Protein predicted to be: GLOBULAR (No transmembrane regions or signal peptide)
    Confidence of classification: 0.99

    Source: Reynolds et al. (2008)

    YRC Informatics Platform - Version 3.0
    Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle