element search_programs
diagram proxl-xml-v1.4_diagrams/proxl-xml-v1.4_p56.png
content complex
children search_program
used by
element search_program_info
identity constraints
  Name  Refer  Selector  Field(s)  Annotation
unique  search_program_unique    search_program  @name  
Ensure a given name is only present once among the search programs.
The search program(s) used to generate the PSMs and associated scores in this search. More than one search program may be used, as in the case of using Percolator to assign q-values for data search with Kojak. Percolator and Kojak would each have an entry here. However, all PSMs must be annotated by all search programs and all search programs must refer to reported peptides using the same string.
source <xs:element name="search_programs">
<xs:documentation>The search program(s) used to generate the PSMs and associated scores in this search. More than one search program may be used, as in the case of using Percolator to assign q-values for data search with Kojak. Percolator and Kojak would each have an entry here. However, all PSMs must be annotated by all search programs and all search programs must refer to reported peptides using the same string.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="search_program" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:unique name="search_program_unique">
<xs:documentation>Ensure a given name is only present once among the search programs.</xs:documentation>
<xs:selector xpath="search_program"/>
<xs:field xpath="@name"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy